

admin 2021-03-28 23
天国泪(天国泪电视剧全集)摘要: 求纪敏佳《天国的眼泪》歌词!梦里面重播的电影真情在记忆里怀念你也许你从没有离开我只是一个人去旅行那充满鲜花的远地一定有天使伴着你某月某地我们会再相聚就让思念穿越一世纪一粒浮沙一个世...



  梦里面 重播的电影 真情在记忆里怀念你

  也许你从没有离开我 只是一个人去旅行

  那充满鲜花的远地 一定有天使伴着你

  某月某地 我们会再相聚

  就让思念穿越一世纪 一粒浮沙一个世界

  再坚强却也抵不过时间 一滴眼泪一种感觉


  dry your tears will love

  dry your tears will love l

  ongliness you sun a wish plan

  you'd river of tears blue the night

  memory you never let me cry

  and you you never say goodbye

  sometime until bright in the night

  we lose a dreams long away

  but I never foud you tills you some to the thing

  never found you levve me along

  try gives a ring and say me free

  somes for time will keep you memory

  know ever lansing feels away

  I life been your be this hore

  dry your tears will love

  dry your tears will love


天堂的眼泪 翻译一下

  你还记得我的名字吗 如果我在天堂见到你? 你会有相同的感受 如果我在天堂见到你? 我必须坚强,但 因为我知道我还不属于天堂…… 你会握住我的手吗 如果我在天堂见到你 你能帮我吗 如果我在天堂见到你 我会找到我的方向通过日日夜夜 因为我知道我还不属于天堂…… 时间磨灭你的锐气,时间令你屈膝 时间能伤了你的心,你还是会一直向上天祈求求求你… 在那扇门后的和平我肯定 我知道,我将不再泪洒天堂…… 你还记得我的名字吗 如果我在天堂见到你 你会有相同的感受 如果我在天堂见到你 我必须坚强,但 因为我知道我还不属于天堂……







  Eric Clapton

  Would you know my name

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you feel the same

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I must be strong and carry on

  'Cause I know I don't belong here in hevven...

  Would you hold my hand

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you help me stand

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I'll find my way through night and day

  'Cause I know I just can't stay here in hevven...

  Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees

  Time can break your heart, hvve you begging please...

  Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure

  And I know there'll be no more tears in hevven...

  Would you know my name

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you feel the same

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I must be strong and carry on

  'Cause I know I don't belong here in hevven...

  tears in hevven


  Tear in Hevven



  Eric Clapton

  *你去天堂后, 还记得我名字吗?

  你去天堂后, 一切还会一样吗?

  我会坚强, 继续前进,

  我知道我还不能, 进入天堂.

  你去天堂后, 还会拉我的手吗?

  你去天堂后, 还需要我的爱吗?

  日日夜夜, 不停找寻,

  我知道我不能够, 放弃希望.


  时间侵蚀我, 时间征服我,

  它打碎我心, 时间求求你…


  能再见你, 是我目标,




求俊秀出演的音乐剧《天国的眼泪》预告片里的那首歌can you hear me的mp3




  Tears In Hevven

  Eric Clapton

  Would you know my name

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you feel the same

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I must be strong and carry on

  'Cause I know I don't belong here in hevven...

  Would you hold my hand

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you help me stand

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I'll find my way through night and day

  'Cause I know I just can't stay here in hevven...

  Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees

  Time can break your heart, hvve you begging please...

  Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure

  And I know there'll be no more tears in hevven...

  Would you know my name

  if I saw you in hevven?

  Would you feel the same

  if I saw you in hevven?

  I must be strong and carry on

  'Cause I know I don't belong here in hevven...


  Eric Clapton

  你去天堂后, 还记得我名字吗?

  你去天堂后, 一切还会一样吗?

  我会坚强, 继续前进,

  我知道我还不能, 进入天堂.

  你去天堂后, 还会拉我的手吗?

  你去天堂后, 还需要我的爱吗?

  日日夜夜, 不停找寻,

  我知道我不能够, 放弃希望.


  时间侵蚀我, 时间征服我,

  它打碎我心, 时间求求你…


  能再见你, 是我目标,








作者:admin本文地址:http://www.lunphone.cn/dyzl/10527.html发布于 2021-03-28
